Although working hard towards achieving one’s goals is a very honorable thing, when it comes time to meet your financial monthly obligations, your creditors do not have any interest in how diligent you worked or how hard you worked. All they are interested in at that point is collecting what you owe them. How often is it that someone asks how you’re doing, and your reply is I’ve been busy. Their response to you is that’s good. I say that’s nonsense! I’m in the Columbus t-shirt printing business to be profitable and not to be busy. For some reason, folks seem to have the wrong idea that being busy in of itself is a good thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Working hard is highly overrated.
What is worthwhile is working smart. Here’s an example, if you’re running east as fast as you can, when you should be running west, you’re running the wrong way. One of the things I talked to young entrepreneurs about who are trying to break into the Columbus screen printing and custom embroidery business is to not try and reinvent the wheel. Get your computer out and go to a major search engine and put in a relevant search such as Columbus digital t-shirt printing or something similar and see who pops up. The ones you’re seeing on the first landing page are there for a reason. Either it’s a sponsored link that someone is paying for every time it’s clicked on or you’re seeing that particular website because the search engines like what they saw.
More than not, it’s the content. There’s an old saying that content is King. I think this holds true. Especially when it’s newly written or recently added. There’s an old saying that reads, keep your friends close and your competitors closer. I think there’s a lot of wisdom in this. I would recommend that you study what they’re doing. I am not recommending that you plagiarize their sight but simply use the same concepts. The key here is that when somebody is doing a relevant search, you need to make sure that it’s your website that comes up on that landing page and not your competitors.
When it comes to marketing, we live in a digital world and I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have your website optimized in order that it shows up. This is what’s going to create your bid opportunities.