Get A Columbus Ohio Custom Screen Printing Company To Make your College Reveal Party T-shirts

Get A Columbus Ohio Custom Screen Printing Company To Make your College Reveal Party T-shirts

It’s that time of the year when high school students anxiously anticipate which college they will be accepted to. Once they open that envelope or email, they are ecstatic to learn they made it.

Nowadays, college reveal parties have become a thing. Here are some reasons why you should get a Columbus Ohio T-shirt printing company to make your college announcement. The custom screen printing and digital t-shirt application along with the name of the college on it will most certainly bring out that particular look you are after.

You Made It To Your Chosen College!

This is a proud moment for the proud parents to see their child going to their preferred college. It makes it even more special to share the moment with all their friends.

A custom Tee With Your New School

Parents throw their soon-to-go-to-college child a party where the name of the college is revealed to the friends. What better way to announce to everyone which college you will be going to than to have a university reveal party wearing then name of the chosen school with custom embroidery on it.

Use The Tops As Party Favors

There are plenty of fun ways to reveal the name of the school you have chosen. You can have a cake or balloons with the name of the school on it. The best way would be to get a Columbus Ohio digital T-shirt printing company to apply the name of the college on a top. Once the name is revealed to the guests, pass out the tops as party favors.

Serve As A Memento

After some time when your child has left to college and you miss them badly, you can take out the t-shirt as a memento and think back to the times when you found out. What a great keep sake that will be treasured and appreciated for many years to come.

Don’t forget that we offer custom embroidery as well as a full range of different logo application techniques.

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